HI DOE Required Viewing - Videos & Links
Please view the required videos and trainings linked down below, and sign off on the form, and turn your completed form in to the Office.
Required for HI DOE Employees:
HIDOE Code of Conduct:
* HIDOE Code of Conduct Presentation Video
* HIDOE Code of Conduct Presentation Video
HIDOE Ethics Training: (at least once every four (4) years)
*Note: Make sure to request the Certificate of Completion at the end to turn in with your signed from
* HIDOE Ethics for State Employees Training
*Note: Make sure to request the Certificate of Completion at the end to turn in with your signed from
* HIDOE Ethics for State Employees Training
For Teachers:
* Educator Effectiveness System (EES) Orientation Video
* Educator Effectiveness System (EES) Orientation Video
Required HIDOE Videos
- FERPA 101 and FERPA Confirmation Form
- For New employees, and every 5 years
- View the "FERPA 101: For Local Education Agencies" interactive module at
- * http://bit.ly/HIFERPA101
- Sign in (if you have done it before) OR click the "New user? Register" link below the sign in, and fill out the required info using your school email address and any secure password that you choose. On the 2nd screen select "Hawaii", and "State Education Agency" for DOE employees.
- Do the "FERPA 101: For Local Education Agencies" interactive tutorial. Click on "Enroll", and then "Start Learning now" to begin. Allow 30-40 minutes to watch the interactive tutorial and complete the quiz. You can navigate forward and backward through the tutorial using the controls at the bottom.
To confirm completion:
- Date and Initial the FERPA line on the "Hanalei School DOE Required Videos" form (linked up at the top of this page)
- After you have completed the module, a certificate will be available for you to print. If this certificate has your name, you should print it and turn a copy into the Office as confirmation that you have completed the training.
- Otherwise, you can click here to open and print the DOE FERPA Training Confirmation Form (Using your State account to access). This option may be preferred when staff are completing the training in groups.
- Turn in completed form and confirmation to SASA in the office.
For Custodians:
* Asbestos Awareness Training Videos
* Asbestos Awareness Training Videos